Berwick Obedience Association
Diane Jones Dog Training in East Sussex
Kennel Club Accredited Instructor

Contact Diane: 01435 830265

How to join and FAQs
What is KCAI?
It stands for Kennel Club Accredited Instructor scheme. Diane is one of the few KCAIs in East Sussex. The KCAI 'gold badge' is the mark of quality in dog training, canine behaviour and other canine related services.The KCAI Scheme is a nationally recognised and externally verified teaching qualification approved by City & Guilds. To become accredited, members have to demonstrate an excellent track record of practical experience in training, handling and living with dogs. Their depth of knowledge and their teaching methods are evaluated by Kennel Club assessors.
How do I know what is right for my dog and me?
Please ring Diane 01435 830265 to discuss your dogs needs.
Each course runs for 7 weeks at a cost of £50.00
Each weekly lesson is 1 hour.
If a lesson is missed it can be made up within that 7 week course only.
Monies are not refundable